The mind refers to the set of cognitive faculties that includes

  • consciousness
  • perception
  • thinking
  • judgment
  • language
  • memory
  • problem-solving

Media entity means any person or entity that gathers information of possible public interest and publishes it to the public using any one or more of a variety of media including text in print and digital format, photographs, videos and sound recordings.

Propaganda is the dissemination of information—facts, arguments, rumours, half-truths, or lies—to influence public opinion. Deliberateness and a relatively heavy emphasis on manipulation distinguish propaganda from casual conversation or the free and easy exchange of ideas.

“The Mind Form” encompasses the entirety of human consciousness at a specific moment, representing the collective consciousness of humanity through its resemblance to an individual mind. Drawing upon relevant studies in neuroscience, we explore how media forms serve as outputs of the mind form’s components, while incorporating functions similar to the brain’s Ego. These media forms possess the potential to impact the deeper aspects of the ever-changing mind form.

Artificial Intelligence

“The Market Form” is created by The Mind Form shared through The Media Form. The Market form provides Work, meaning, and dedication, regardless of pursuit, a place to grow by providing the nourishments of existence, from primary to luxury. Your home, your supplies for feeding and drinking, and all of your adornments and things

“The Market Form” is created by The Mind Form shared through The Media Form.

“The Market Form” is created by The Mind Form shared through The Media

“The Market Form” is created by The Mind Form shared through The Media

Current Points

The World Computer - Ethereum


Current Points





The RFID tracking industry is already a large business standard. In every sector. The oil industry even uses it to track “lots” of oil from the source through process and dissemination. The two major companies that do the data processing of this action are Plantir which handles major govt contracts and tracks all gear and humans through the process for evaluation. C3ai focuses on industry. With major partnerships like Baker-Hughes and Google.

The RFID is a market that is suited to low cost and high function. Which in its design is great for the customer and lethal for the manufacturer.

As of last month, the first quantum circuit was created. And even though the system within which it can only occur is equivalent to the old Commodore 64  In its comparison with an iPad. At the rate of technological advancement, we are probably only 5 to 10 years away from photon-based information packets as opposed to the current use of electrons.  This is a major shift as quantum computing begins to handle information without mass and such without loss of energy and therefore without the expenditure of time.

The RFID industry will evolve into self-powered quantum circuits that most likely will cover the entity of the earth in a spore-like component just as an effect of its process.

Clothing manufacturers, tires, shoes, food, toilet paper. All of these are highly competitive markets amongst millions, that could benefit from RFID information on volume percentage in lots. Meaning billions of RFID use. And waste.

They will track the product shipment and use of their product and continue to manipulate and market to the strongest point ahead of their competitors but just enough below the state of quality.

They have already mastered this form of warranty research. This is why everything breaks after the warranty. This is why a warranty market to cover that loophole of evolution was created in the guise of “extended warranty”


Current RFID bubbled for about 80 years. The hood back to it is the same as everything else. The need for non-electron-based signaling. And I believe organic photon receptors would be the logical evolution, especially for long-distance space travel. Is basically self-replicating information because of the concept of entropy and the cost of mass to exist in time by way of friction and degradation.   And that takes me back to the pineal gland.   Aka the brain as an RFID transcoder.  The RFID would be the identifier.   And the signal would be the entirety of everything.  Do you see that story? This is my favorite part of things. The ideas


World's Largest Economy Strengthens


Investment Management Agreements


Worldwide Sovereign Fund For Generations


Investment Management Agreements

Worldwide sovereign fund for future generations

  • Like Buffett, KIC favors investments in U.S.
  • Equities as the world’s largest economy strengthens.
  • The fund has a stake of about 0.7 percent in Bank of America Corp.
  • Like Buffett, KIC favors investments in U.S.

Asia’s Biggest Corporate Investment Fund
KIC will probably increase the research unit to about 60 people by 2017 from the current level of 32